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HMLR update DL forms, released on 20th August 2018

8th August 2018

HMLR say.....We are making some amendments to our forms FR1 and DL.


Form FR1

We have added side notes to panels 3, 5 and 12 to explain that, as a result of a change of practice from Monday 20 August 2018, we will reject applications where these panels, or certain information within them, have not been included. We have also added a side note to panel 6 to allow the applicant, where the application is based on adverse possession or lost deeds, to include either an email address or their telephone number.

Form DL

We have amended an explanatory note at the top of the form to include reference to a land transaction tax certificate as a result of the Land Transaction Tax and Anti-avoidance of Devolved Taxes (Wales) Act 2017 that came into force on 1 April 2018.

We will be publishing the amended forms on Monday 20 August 2018 but will continue to accept ‘old’ versions of the forms indefinitely. 

The updated forms will be avaliable both in SDLT.co.uk and FormEvo.co.uk


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